San Bernardino Sheriff’s Office
2020 Executive Treasurer
Lehua began her career with law enforcement began in the Records Division of the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s department in 1999. Her duties included Warrants, Teletype and assisting both the public and members of the law enforcement community with registration and document retrieval. In 2001 she took a position with the Valley Control Center as a Call Taker, then promoted to Radio Operator and Trainer in quick succession. Before long she accepted the promotion to Communications Supervisor and voluntarily took assignments to assist with training at the Sheriff’s Academy. Lehua has worked as the Administrative Supervisor creating shift bids and maintaining staffing levels for the Valley Control Center.
When she started attending the training seminars of CCUG it stirred her interest in learning more about the tools currently available to law enforcement and how they could be improved. After she attended the 2015 CCUG Conference, she saw an opportunity to not only learn from the CCUG membership but also to become an active participant with the organization.
Lehua was happy to be nominated for and elected to serve as the Southern Chapter Treasurer for 2016 and again for 2017. She was appointed by the 2018 Executive board to serve as the Southern Chapter Assistant Director for 2018 when the position became vacant. Lehua will serve as the Executive Treasurer for 2019.
In 2018, Lehua agree to take on a temporary duty assignment as San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Agency CLETS Coordinator (ACC).
Contact Lehua at (909) 387-0367 or by e-mail at