1.1      Agency Membership
Any agency eligible to access the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS) or operate a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system shall be eligible for Agency Membership in the California CLETS Users Group (CCUG). [refer to CLETS Policies, Practices, Procedures – Section 1.3.1, Eligibility for CLETS Service]
1.1.1  Any employee of an active member agency is eligible to participate in CCUG activities as a member. An active member agency is defined as an agency that has paid CCUG membership dues for the current year.

1.2      Retiree Membership
Any person who has retired in good standing from any agency eligible for Agency Membership: however, a retiree may not serve as a board member.
1.2.1        Retiree Membership is a separate classification from Agency Membership and as such retired members are not members by virtue of their former employing agency.
1.2.2        A “Retiree Member” may serve on a CCUG committee.

1.3      Corporate Membership/Corporate Sponsorship
Any company that, in the normal course of business, provides products or services to law enforcement agencies, shall be eligible for Corporate Membership or Sponsorship in CCUG.

2.1      Application for membership in CCUG shall be made by submitting a completed application form accompanied by the member dues to the CCUG Executive Treasurer, or any chapter officer in person, by mail, by e -mail, or online via the CCUG website.
2.1.1  Corporate membership applications shall be submitted to any CCUG Executive Board member or the current year vendor liaison to be forwarded to the Executive Treasurer without delay.

2.2      Membership in CCUG entitles member agencies and corporations the opportunity to participate as a member in all CCUG activities and training, regardless of the geographic location of the agency or corporation or activity.

1.1      Each chapter shall maintain records of all financial transactions conducted by the chapter.

1.2      Each chapter shall start each year with a balance of $1500. Transfers to or from the Executive Treasury shall be made to attain this starting balance prior to December 15 of each year.

1.3      When funds are received by a chapter, those funds will be deposited into the chapter checking account within 72         hours.  A copy of the deposit shall be faxed to the Executive Treasurer with the original to be delivered in person or by U.S. Mail. The Executive Treasurer shall acknowledge receipt of the copy and original deposit receipts via e-mail.

1.4      When membership dues or seminar registration funds are received by a chapter, a check shall be written to the Executive Treasury for an amount equal to the funds received along with completed applications/registrations.

1.5      When the Executive Treasurer receives funds for any chapter business, the funds shall be transferred or forward to the respective chapter accounts within two weeks of receiving the funds.

2.1      Agency membership is valid from January 1 through December 31.
2.1.1  Annual agency membership dues must be paid prior to June 30 of each year to receive member benefits.
2.1.2  Changes to the annual dues amount will be decided and voted on by the Executive Board. Any fee change will be announced via posting to the CCUG website ( no later than three months prior to change and will become effective on July 1 following such announcement.

2.2      Corporate membership/sponsorship payment is valid from the time of payment to March 1 of the following year.
2.2.1  Corporate membership/sponsorship payment must be received prior to the Annual Training &                                           Technology Seminar to receive corporate membership/sponsorship benefits.

2.3      Dues will be made payable to “California CLETS Users Group” or “CCUG” and collected by any Chapter Board member or the Executive Treasurer for agency membership and by any Executive Board member or the current year vendor liaison for corporate membership.

1.1      Each active member agency shall have the power of one vote on any action for which a vote is called. The voting member will be the primary contact or member present unless other designation is made by the agency.
1.1.1  Corporate members do not have the power of a vote.
1.1.2   Retiree members do not have the power of a vote. 

1.2      Prior notice of at least 30 days shall be given to all member agencies of any action that will be subject to a vote of the membership. This notice will be sent to the primary contact of the agency.

1.3      Votes may be cast in writing or electronically to a chapter officer during the voting period; if a regularly scheduled chapter training meeting occurs during this time each agency in attendance shall be given the opportunity to cast a vote.

1.4      All measures that are subject to a vote must be approved by 51% of the member agencies casting a vote for the measure to pass.

1.5      A quorum of ten member agencies casting a vote is required for a vote to be valid.
1.5.1  In the event of a tie vote the Executive Director shall cast the deciding vote.

1.6      Board member election procedures are addressed in

2.1      Annual elections for all board positions affected shall occur 45 days following the Annual Training & Technology Seminar.
2.1.1  All nominations must be received no later than seven days after the Seminar conclusion. Nomination forms are to be e-mailed to, at a minimum, all agency members using the most current membership roster. Nomination forms are also available to all attendees at the annual Seminar.
2.1.2  The Executive Board is responsible for processing all nominations and distributing ballots no more than seven days after the nominations deadline. Ballots are to be e-mailed to all agency members using the most current membership roster.
2.1.3  Members will be given no less than 30 days from the date ballots are distributed to cast their votes   All ballots shall be submitted to the Executive Director, who will forward copies to the Executive Board in writing or by some electronic means.
2.1.4  The Executive Director is responsible for validating all nominations and ballots.    Nominees shall be an employee in good standing of an active member agency.    No more than one member from each active member agency may be nominated or serve as a Chapter or Executive Board member simultaneously.    Nominees must have the expressed support of their agency.

2.2          Results of elections will be announced within seven days of the voting deadline.
2.2.1  All member agencies will be notified via e-mail of election results.
2.2.2  Election results will be posted to the CCUG website (

2.3      In the event of a chapter board member vacancy, re-assignment of remaining board members shall be considered.
2.3.1  The Executive Board shall determine if re-assignment of existing board members would be in the best interest of the organization and appoint accordingly.
2.3.2  Following re-assignment, if any, the Executive Board will appoint a member to fill the vacated position.

3.1      No CCUG Executive board members shall be elected to more than two consecutive terms in the same board position. The Board may vote to approve one additional term should extenuating circumstances exist.

3.2      No CCUG Chapter Secretary or Chapter Treasurer shall be elected to more than three consecutive terms in the same board position.  The Executive Board may vote to approve one additional term should extenuating circumstances exist.

1.1      The Director shall serve a two-year term commencing on January 1 of even-numbered years.

1.2      The Director shall preside over chapter level meetings.

1.3      The Director shall ensure that a location and host agency is arranged for each quarterly chapter training meeting.

1.4      The Director shall create an agenda to be provided to attendees at each chapter training meeting.

1.5      The Director shall serve on the CCUG Executive Board

2.1      The Assistant Director shall serve a two-year term commencing on January 1 of odd-numbered years.

2.2      The Assistant Director shall assume all duties and powers of the Director relating to chapter activities during the absence of the Director.

2.3      The Assistant Director shall ensure that speaker arrangements have been made and confirmed for each quarterly chapter training meeting.

2.4      The Assistant Director shall assist the host agency at all local chapter training meetings.

3.1      The Secretary shall serve a one-year term commencing on January 1.

3.2      The Secretary shall record meeting minutes for all chapter level meetings.
3.2.1  In the event the Secretary is not present at a chapter meeting, the meeting minutes shall be recorded by another officer as appointed by the Director.

3.3      The Secretary shall submit completed chapter training meeting minutes to the Director for revie w and inclusion on the CCUG website ( no later than seven days following the meeting.
3.3.1  In the event the meeting minutes were recorded by an officer other than the Secretary, that officer is responsible for the provisions of Section 3.4.

3.4      The Secretary shall prepare, and have available to all attendees, copies of training meeting minutes, announcements, and membership applications at all chapter meetings.

3.5      The Secretary shall prepare announcements of quarterly chapter training meetings at least 45 days prior to the scheduled meeting. This announcement shall be submitted for posting to the CCUG website ( at that time, followed by e-mails as well as teletypes delivered via CLETS.

3.6      Training meeting announcements shall be sent via e-mail no less than once weekly and via CLETS teletype no less than once weekly per standard shift (Day, Evening, Night).

4.1      The Treasurer shall serve a one-year term commencing on January 1.

4.2      The Treasurer shall maintain the chapter checking account for the deposit and disbursement of chapter funds.

4.3      The Treasurer shall pay all bills incurred by the chapter, as authorized by the Chapter Board members. Each such disbursement shall be approved by the Director or another chapter board member. The disbursement of funds shall not be authorized solely by the treasurer.

4.4      The Treasurer shall prepare a detailed monthly financial report and deliver it to the Executive Treasurer and the Chapter Director no later than the last day of the month.

4.4.1  The financial report shall be available to all current chapter members upon request.

4.5      The Treasurer shall maintain a current membership roster.

4.6      The Treasurer shall forward to the Executive Director and Executive Treasurer an annual financial report by December 15 of each year.

4.7      The Treasurer shall forward to the Executive Treasurer all financial records no later than December 15.
4.7.1  Records include but are not limited to: receipts, reimbursement forms, and all other financial documents.


5.1      Chapter officers shall work together to ensure that the duties outlined above are successfully completed. While specific duties are assigned to each member of the board, no duty shall be deemed the sole responsibility o f the member to whom it is assigned.

5.2          When a Chapter Board Member fails to attend three consecutive meetings (board meetings or training          meetings) without adequate excuse, or when a Chapter Board Member is not fulfilling the responsibilities of the office as prescribed in the bylaws, or engages in conduct which the Chapter or Executive Board     determines to be injurious to the organization or its purposes, the Executive Board may, by a two-thirds (2/3)          affirmative vote, take such action as it determines appropriate, which may include asking for the resignation           or forcing the removal of office of the Chapter Board Member.


6.1      Each chapter board member shall have the power of one vote.

6.2      A majority vote is required for any motion to carry.

6.3      Chapter board votes may be conducted via e-mail when necessary.

6.3.1  The Director will retain copies of all electronic votes.

6.4      In the event of a tie vote, the Executive Director will cast the deciding vote.



1.1      The Executive Board shall be comprised of the Executive Director, the Executive Treasurer, and the Director and Assistant Director from each chapter.


2.1      The Executive Director shall be elected to serve a two-year term commencing on January 1 of each even numbered year.

2.2      The Executive Director shall preside over all Executive and Joint Board meetings.

2.3      The incoming Executive Director may make a formal request to the outgoing Executive Director to serve one year in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board.

2.4      The Executive Director shall appoint from the members of the Executive Board the following:

•      Executive Vice Chairperson

•      Executive Secretary

2.5      The Executive Director shall “nominate” from the membership of CCUG someone to serve as Executive Treasurer. The Executive Board will vote on the nomination. A majority vote is required for the nomination to be approved. The Executive Treasurer will serve two years, beginning on odd number years.

2.6      The Executive Director shall file the Biennial Statement of Officers (SO-100) for non-profit organizations as required by the Secretary of State, State of California.

2.7      The Executive Director, with assistance from the Executive Treasurer, shall arrange for filing of annual income tax returns for CCUG.

2.8      The Executive Director shall meet with the Executive Treasurer prior to the first Executive Board meeting of the year to conduct a review of the prior year’s financial transactions.


3.1      The Executive Vice Chairperson shall assume all duties of the Executive Director in his/her absence or in the event he/she is unable, for any reason, to complete the duties of that office.


4.1      The Executive Secretary shall record the minutes for each Executive and Joint Board meeting.

4.1.1  In the event the Executive Secretary is unable to record the minutes of an Executive and/or Joint Board meeting, that duty will be assigned to another Executive Board member as appointed by the Executive Director

4.2      The Executive Secretary shall provide completed meeting minutes to the Executive Director for review no later than seven days following the meeting recorded

4.2.1  Meeting minutes will be forwarded to all Executive Board members by the Executive Director immediately following final approval.

4.3      In the event meeting minutes are recorded by another member of the Executive Board it will be that member’s responsibility to comply with the provisions of Section 4.2.


5.1      The Executive Treasurer shall be responsible for all CCUG funds and shall maintain a checking account for the deposit and disbursement of such funds.

5.2      The Executive Treasurer shall pay all bills incurred, as authorized by the Executive Board members. Each such payment shall be approved by the Executive Director or another Executive Board member. Disbursement of funds shall not be authorized solely by the Executive Treasurer.

5.3      The Executive Treasurer shall prepare a detailed monthly financial report that shall be available to all current CCUG members upon request. A copy of this report will be delivered to each Executive Board member.

5.4      The Executive Treasurer shall prepare an annual financial report prior to December 31 of each year that shall be available to all current CCUG members upon request. A copy of this report is to be delivered to each Executive Board member.

5.5      The Executive Treasurer shall maintain a P.O. Box to be checked a minimum of twice weekly for the receipt of CCUG related mail.

5.6      The Executive Treasurer shall receive and maintain originals of all membership applications and maintain current membership rosters.

5.7      The Executive Treasurer shall receive and maintain originals of all seminar registrations and maintain a current seminar attendee list.

5.8      The Executive Treasurer will not have the power of a vote in any Executive Board decision.


6.1      The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of two times annually: once in January and once between June 1 and the start of the Annual Training & Technology Seminar. Executive Board meetings may be in person, b y telephone, or by some electronic means.
6.1.1  In addition to the two meetings indicated in 6.1, the Executive Board shall meet as often as is deemed necessary to conduct the business of CCUG.
6.1.2  Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by any member of the Executive Board for good cause.  All other meetings of the Executive Board shall be by the agreement of all Executive Board members.
6.1.3  The Executive Director shall ensure each member of the Executive Board is notified a minimum of 21 days in advance of any Executive Board meeting unless such urgency exists that such notice is not possible.
6.1.4  If an Executive Board member is unable to attend an Executive Board meeting, the Secretary or Treasurer of his/her chapter may be assigned to attend at the discretion of the Director and Assistant Director of the affected chapter.

6.2      All actions by the Executive Board shall be approved by a majority of the members present, but in no case fewer than three members, unless otherwise provided for in another provision of these bylaws.

6.3      Expenses incurred to attend meetings called by the Executive Board shall be paid by CCUG Executive Board treasury funds if reimbursement is not otherwise available to the board member.
6.3.1  Airfare will be reimbursed in an amount no higher than the best available rate at the time the expenditure is made.
6.3.2  Mileage reimbursement will be paid at the current rate set by the GSA (General Services Administration).  Mileage will not be reimbursed for any amount that exceeds the best available airfare rate at the time the expenditure is incurred.
6.3.3  Necessary hotel and food shall be paid for actual expenses incurred up to the then-current Peace Officer Standards and Training (P.O.S.T.) rate.
6.3.4  Exceptions to the maximum reimbursement will be made by a majority vote of the Executive Board and only when good cause for such exception exists.


7.1          When an Executive Board Member fails to attend three consecutive meetings without adequate excuse, or   when an Executive Board Member is not fulfilling the responsibilities of the office as prescribed in the         bylaws, or engages in conduct which the Executive Board determines to be injurious to the organization or its   purposes, the Executive Board may, by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote, take such action as it determines   appropriate, which may include asking for the resignation or forcing the removal of office of the Executive Board Member.



1.1      Training Meetings of the chapters of CCUG shall be held at least three times per year.
1.1.1  A schedule of chapter training meetings for the current year shall be determined no later than the first meeting of the Executive or Joint Board each year.

1.2      The location and time of chapter training meetings shall be announced a minimum of 45 days prior to the scheduled meeting in order to allow ample time for members and other attendees to make arrangements to attend.

1.3      Meeting schedules may be modified by a majority vote of the affected Chapter Board with the concurrence of the Executive Board providing such change occurs no less than 45 days prior to the original or modified          meeting date.

1.4      Meeting fees are due for all persons for whom a RSVP has been received. Failure to attend a meeting after sending a RSVP will result in the agency/individual being charged the full meeting fee, due and payable           immediately.


2.1  The dates and location of the CCUG Annual Training & Technology Seminar shall be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
2.1.1  The exact dates of each year’s seminar shall be determined within 60 days of the previous year’s seminar conclusion.
2.1.2  The exact location of each year’s seminar shall be determined within 60 days of the previous year’s seminar conclusion.
2.1.3  The seminar shall be held at locations within the State of California.

2.2      The date and location of the Annual Training & Technology Seminar shall be announced to the chapter membership a minimum of 180 days prior to the start of the seminar.

2.3      The Executive Board shall be responsible for all seminar-related expenditures and receipts.



1.1      The CCUG shall have a Bylaws Committee
1.1.1  The Bylaws Committee shall be comprised of at least one representative from each chapter and/or former board members, chapter members and/or volunteers with applicable skill sets to ensure the Bylaws reflect the CCUG mission.

1.2      The Bylaws Committee shall become familiar with the CCUG Bylaws and determine if the procedures set forth herein are being properly followed.
1.2.1  A member of the Bylaws Committee shall report known or suspected violations of the bylaws to the Executive Board, in writing, without delay.
1.2.2  Allegations of bylaws violations reported to the Bylaws Committee shall be reviewed within 14 days of such allegation. Notice to the Executive Board shall occur as provided for in 1.2.1.
1.2.2  The Executive Board shall review within 14 days any written notice of violations reported by the Bylaws Committee or any CCUG member. Appropriate action shall be taken, and a report of action taken shall be delivered to the Bylaws Committee within seven days of such action.

1.3      The Bylaws Committee shall be responsible for submitting proposed changes to the bylaws, in writing, to the Executive Board for review and recommendation.


2.1      CCUG shall have a Seminar Planning Committee appointed by the Executive Director.
2.1.1  The Executive Director will act as chairperson of the Seminar Planning Committee.
2.1.2  The Seminar Planning Committee shall make all seminar-related decisions with input from the Executive Board.


3.1      Each Chapter Board shall determine if additional committees would be of value to their chapter and appoint those committees accordingly.



1.1      Amendments to the CCUG Bylaws may be proposed to the Bylaws Committee, in writing, by any CCUG member.


2.1      The Bylaws committee shall review any proposed amendments. Upon determining that there is no conflict, a recommendation will be forwarded to the Executive board in writing.

2.2      When changes to the bylaws have been recommended by the Executive Board, the proposed changes shall be sent to the Bylaws Committee for consideration prior to ratification. This notification shall include the date(s) the ratification vote(s) will occur.

2.3      The Bylaws Committee will forward their recommendations to the Executive Board for review and final approval.

2.4      Upon approval, an Executive Board Member shall give notice of proposed bylaws changes to all CCUG members no less than 30 days prior to a scheduled ratification vote.

2.5      All comments regarding proposed changes to the bylaws shall be submitted to the Bylaws Committee within 15 days of proposed changes being sent.


3.1      All proposed changes to the bylaws shall be voted on in accordance with Article III, Section 1 of these bylaws prior to the changes becoming effective.

3.2      All changes to the bylaws shall become effective 30 days following ratification by the general membership of CCUG.




Proposed April 4, 2012, Ratified June 8, 2012

The effective date of the following amendments is July 08, 2012:

  • Article I, Section 1
    • Addition of new Section 1.2 and subsections
    • Renumbering of previous Section 1.2 to 1.3
  • Article II, Section 1
    • Addition of Section 1.5
  • Article V, Section 1
    • Clarification of Section 1.1
  • Article V, Section 2
    • Clarification of Section 2.4
    • Addition of new Section 2.5
    • Renumbering of previous Section 2.5 to 2.6
    • Renumbering of previous Section 2.6 to 2.7
    • Renumbering of previous Section 2.7 to 2.8
  • Article V, Section 5
    • Addition of Section 5.8
  • Article VI, Section 1
    • Deletion of Section 1.1.2
    • Addition of Section 1.4

Proposed September 20, 2017, Ratified November 15, 2017

The effective date of the following amendments is January 1, 2018:

  • Article I, Section 1
    • Clarification of Section 1.2
  • Article I, Section 2
    • Clarification of Section 2.1
    • Deletion of Section 2.1.1 (included in 2.1)
    • Renumbering of Section 2.1.2 to 2.1.1
    • Clarification of Section 2.2
  • Article III, Section 1
    • Deletion of Section 1.2
    • Renumbering of Section 1.3 to 1.2
    • Renumbering of Section 1.4 to 1.3
    • Clarification of (new) Section 1.3
    • Renumbering of Section 1.5 to 1.4
    • Renumbering of Section 1.6 to 1.5
    • Renumbering of Section 1.6.1 to 1.5.1
  • Article III, Section 2
    • Clarification of Section 2.1.1
    • Clarification of Section 2.1.2
    • Clarification of Section
  • Article III, Section 3
    • Clarification of Section 3.1
  • Article IV, Section 3
    • Addition of Section 3.5
    • Addition of Section 3.6
  • Article IV, Section 4
    • Deletion of Section 4.3 and subsections
    • Renumbering of Section 4.4 through 4.8 (and subsections) to 4.3 through 4.7
  • Article IV, Section 6
    • Clarification of Section Title
  • Article V, Section 1
    • Clarification of Section 1.1
  • Article VII, Section 1
    • Clarification of Section 1.1.1
  • Article VIII, Section 2
    • Insertion of Section 2.3
    • Renumbering of Section 2.3 through 2.4 to 2.4 through 2.5

Proposed July 8, 2019, Ratified August 15, 2019

The effective date of the following amendments is September 1, 2019:

  • Article III, Section 1,
    • 1.1.2        Added to codify that retiree members do not have the power of a vote
  • Article III, Section 2
    •     Change “Treasurer and all Chapter Directors” to “Board” to include all Executive Board
    • 2.1.4        Added,, clarifying eligibility to accept board position nomination/serve on board
  • Article III, Section 3
    • 3.2           Change term limits for Chapter Secretary, Chapter Treasurer to three terms
  • Article IV, Section 3
    • 3.2           Added to codify conditions for Chapter Board officer removal
  • Article V, Section 7
    • 7.1           Added to codify conditions for Executive Board officer removal if necessary